Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This is From Karen "The Bank Negotiating Lady"

I want to assure you and the members that I am doing everything in my power to execute my written bank proposal to Wells Fargo Bank. The proposal is completed but the timing has to be perfect for execution!  So you know, I have added one more back up measure and that is I have also decided to present this proposal to BOA, as well. This decision is based upon using a 'carrot in front of the horse' approach and possibly giving a 'group exclusive' to the horse that takes the first bite. I will not play a waiting game with these darn banks but I do not want to approach more than two at a time. If I do, it will take power out of the plan. This whole plan is strategic and delicate in nature and needs my full attention. Just so everyone knows, I am not in this for the glory! I just want to be a good steward, get the job done, and then fade into the sunset.

My intentions are when this plan comes to fruition, I will release a group code # that I request the bank to set up internally so it can be made available for  anyone involved in this investment to easily use. My job will then be finished but several key people that all of you know will get the word out to you for me--nobody would listen to me if I alone tried to get the word out there! LOL.  I will also release the written terms that are agreed upon.  Please note that it is premature to do so at this point. I hope everyone understands that. Frankly, I did not want anybody to know about this plan until it actually was completed.  But the plan leaked out! So, since a lot of people now know what I am trying to do, all I can say is that I am going to do my very best to make it happen--nothing like pressure, huh? (LOL).

I highly encourage everyone to have, as I do, a plan A, B, C, and even D to fall back on just in case any particular plan fails. Everyone should realize by now that there are so many variables that can play out on many levels with this Iraqi Dinar investment. Planning is crucial! When the RV happens, there are still so many shaded areas involving the banks, taxes, and laws that can 'pop' out of nowhere and bring us surprises that we weren't expecting.  So please, everyone be as prepared as you possibly can be.

Many blessings to everyone,

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