Sunday, August 7, 2011

Late night with Blaino

[Blaino] It takes a thousand grapes to fill one jar with wine. And ten thousand times ten thousand grapes of wisdom to fill one heart with hope, one mind with faith, one life with brotherhood & charity. A grape faces many futures. It may be dried to a raisin, its vitality thus stored for another time. It may be pressed into wine to provide a moments pleasure, or it can be planted in the earth to blossom & yield ten thousand times ten thousand children & thereby nurture the masses & uplift spirits. For whose spirit cannot be lifted up by the fresh fruit of a cool, sweet and comforting bunch of grapes? However...remember too that to take the ripe, ready grape & surrender it's worth of the moment by placing it in the earth is an act of faith, an investment in the future, which can only be supported by a trust in the future. As Dinarians, we placed money, a representation of worth, value & work, & have planted it in this investment, that it might multiply like that grape seed, become a blossoming harvest to feed ourselves, our progeny and those we lift up with us! We have allowed the days & seasons to do their work, the sun to shine, rain to fall, the harvest to come. Now we watch and wait, a time with patience, for the moment of the Harvest to begin. Rest now for the joyful work which awaits, as we begin the task of converting the world to a new paradigm! Plan, review, re-think!
[Blaino] 1. If you kiss your dinars goodnight before you kiss your spouse... you might be a dinar addict 2. If you play with your dinars more than you play with your kids... you might be a dinar addict 3. If your only friends are in the chat room... you might be a dinar addict 4. If you have to choose between buying dinar or toilet paper and you choose dinar... you might be a dinar addict 5. If you know more about Iraq's economy and government than your own... you might be a dinar addict 6. If you check the exchange rate in the morning before you even go to the bathroom or get a cup of coffee you...might be a dinar addict 7. If the first words your baby speaks is RV... you might be a dinar addict 8. If you give dinars as gifts for Christmas and birthdays... you might be a dinar addict 9. If you have ever pawned things in your house to buy dinar... you might be a dinar addict 10. If you collect cans on the side of the road to buy dinar you... might be a dinar addict (stolen from safetyman, chat, Dec 2010)
[Blaino] We are gathered, huddling about our PC's, as a past generation huddled in front of their radios, for news of the Dinar world! has appeared for the specific purpose of providing YOU a place on the cutting edge of the information wave related to Iraq and the New Dinar. Beware, the cutting edge is a sharp place & edgy too. Too edgy for some. Choose now if you be chaff, blown on any wind to an unknown destiny... or grain, falling back with value and worth to all, with a future and a purpose. Who have you lifted up today? Who have you imbued with hope, fresh resolve, strength, love or wisdom? Be of good cheer, seek the higher path to walk, a higher purpose & a deserving attitude! Be well, Citizens and Dinarians.
[peachee] [2:52:05 AM] Peachee: ··· ic=261.0 BLAINO'S POST
[Blaino] Peachee, Lollypopqueen, Epson78, CowgirlinTexas, Cherio, NCricket, Musicmakerswoman, mickeyfan, tasot1 & Sharon59, Angels of the Planetary Commons, ever present, ever watching, vigilant and full of care. The seargeants that run the Army, the wheel upon which the industry of the PlanetDinar turns in it's quest for value and ReValue! They carry our intel in their hands, our Spirit in their hearts and our credibility on their shoulders! Our oft unspoken "Thanks" go out to you now... and always!
[Blaino] Just keeping it honest and real!
[Blaino] Goody321 Well, Barry is using his b-day as an excuse to Par-tee... He CLEARLY want's to ... I better quit...
[Blaino] Suffice it to say that Lichtenstein... one of the tiny principalities has a better credit rating than we do... now.... 'nuff said!
[Blaino] I think that I could run against Barry and stand a fair chance...
[Blaino] Clearly he doesn't have any: Ideas, Budget, comprehension of what America is... the voters know he ain't got game... so ANY alternate would be a better risk!
 [Blaino] Goody321 I think Mitt romney has a good shot with his business acumen and track record
[Blaino] peachee Trump has the right attitude and will power... but he appears to have pulled out
[Blaino] I could make a GREAT DICTATOR for 3 years or so... fix all this crappolla quick, then do a reset!
[Blaino] Corporate taxes to 9%... take that Ireland! Round up the illegals and use them for 2 year sentances to .... build the wall... catch em again... 4 years!
[Blaino] Wizzed on all of us.... US.... U.S.!
[Blaino] Goody321  Me too! I have a lil Cherokee in here somplace!
[Blaino] I run outside several times a day and put one ear to the ground.... trying to hear the RV coming!
[Blaino] I heard one yesterday.... but... (always a but) ... it was the neighbors Winnebago!  
[Blaino] Geeze... it's LATE here! I have LATE all over me... it's even in my shirt pocket... I need to go sleep... that icebox pizza is shutting me down...
[Blaino] OK... you citizens play nice... Mods... Moderate... or just cruise and .... pretend!  
[Blaino] Gunnite any of you's that are still reading this!
[Blaino] OK...
[Blaino] Then... good night... uh, morning!
[Blaino] OK...
[Blaino] Peachee, Lollypopqueen, Epson78, CowgirlinTexas, Cherio, NCricket, Musicmakerswoman, Mickeyfan, Tasot1 & Sharon59, Angels of the Planetary Commons, ever present, ever watching, ever vigilant and full of care. The seargeants that run the Army, the wheels upon which the industry of PlanetDinar turns in it's quest for value and ReValue! They carry our intel in their hands, our Spirit in their hearts and our credibility on their shoulders! Our oft unspoken "Thanks" go out to you now... and always!
[Blaino] atjlfolk, our Planetary Communications Wizard! She helps our words and thoughts spread on the winds and currents of the chatosphere and circle the web... echoing down the halls of history! For all you do, this THANKS is for YOU!
[Blaino] Capt Kirk, Ohioguy, Corbin Dallas, Taggert, Wisdom and SHANE... the muscle and sinew of PlanetDinars Planetary Commons Chat room! And yet with their power and strength comes wisdom and thoughtful insight, the perception and experience to parse and the ability to discern! Natural leaders among men anywhere!
[Blaino] Peachee, Lollypopqueen, Epson78, CowgirlinTexas, Cherio, NCricket, Musicmakerswoman, Mickeyfan, Mrs_Wisdom, Tasot1 & Sharon59, Angels of the Planetary Commons, ever present, ever watching, ever vigilant and full of care. The seargeants that run the Army, the wheels upon which the industry of PlanetDinar turns in it's quest for value and ReValue! They carry our intel in their hands, our Spirit in their hearts and our credibility on their shoulders! Our oft unspoken "Thanks" go out to you now... and always!
[Blaino] Had to edit... missed Mrs_Wisdom... geeze, How did I manage that?
[Blaino] lollipopqueen Glad you like!
[Blaino] Just heading out... the last shuttle is loading now, next one won't be for several hours... and that whole beam me up deal makes me nervoous... so I gotta go!
[Blaino] Seems pretty quiet right now... so cruise control is good! Don't be up too long... later

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