Monday, April 25, 2011

Hot Pepper Rumor: RV Date (June 1st)

Hot Pepper: June 1st is the day
Hot Pepper: 5 more weeks to go guys !
Hot Pepper: for R.V
JBK: 5 weeks? WHAT?
Hot Pepper: 5 weeks untill R.V
JBK: Why 5 weeks?
Hot Pepper: thats the date
Hot Pepper: for everything to be inplace world wide
leifshepherd: we waited the last 5 weeks, will just wait the next 5 weeks
JBK: i thought it was the end of this month
Hot Pepper: well things change
Hot Pepper: aleast I got the real info
Hot Pepper: no more wondering
Hot Pepper: so, now I asked the right person, I can sit back now
Hot Pepper: and the rate is high
Hot Pepper: very high
edward.boscana: Did you just talk to someone in the last hour?
Hot Pepper: in 10 minutes
Hot Pepper: in D.C
Hot Pepper: JJ, I would not sell them
edward.boscana: Don’t sell JJ…hold out. I will be worth the wait.
Hot Pepper: exactly JJ
leifshepherd: Hot that’s some Hot intel you got there
edward.boscana: If it (sun) happens before then…like tonight… I will be happy too!
Hot Pepper: well Leif , someone has got to say the truth, and not all this wondering about it
Hot Pepper: ED, who is saying tonight ?
edward.boscana: Barbara
Hot Pepper: well, im told differently
Hot Pepper: and its in the banking industry at the mint
Hot Pepper: I finally got awhole of my friend at the mint
edward.boscana: No – I did not say someone said tonight…I just said, IF it happens before the date you indicated “June 1st”, I would be happy too (and tonight would make me even more happier)
Hot Pepper: well, it would everyone
edward.boscana: I am happy to know it will happen no later than June 1st – that gives me hope to hold out, wait patiently for the RV to happen.
edward.boscana: And you say a good rate?
Hot Pepper: a excellent rate !
edward.boscana: That is GREAT news.
leifshepherd: Hot…I would spread that news slowly to the troops
Hot Pepper: Guys im just telling yall
Hot Pepper: I just found out
edward.boscana: Did your source tell you the rate?
Hot Pepper: its over 5
leifshepherd: can you tell us how high up that intel comes from?
edward.boscana: Do you think Iraq will be able to make it for 5 more weeks?
Hot Pepper: high up
Hot Pepper: they design the USD
Hot Pepper: for the Treasury
leifshepherd: thats up there
edward.boscana: Sure is.
leifshepherd: did he say why 5 weeks? and not 4 weeks
Hot Pepper: I didnt ask him as to why
Hot Pepper: he just said everything to be in place
edward.boscana: I would imagine it is because it will be the first day of the 3rd Qtr.
edward.boscana: The half year benchmark for companies.
Hot Pepper: thats correct !
edward.boscana: Do you all know if their Government has ever been seated?
Hot Pepper: I didnt ask him that , I was focused on the day and rate
edward.boscana: You just got fed up with all this roller coaster ride…right?
Hot Pepper: exactly !
Hot Pepper: brb
Hot Pepper: bk
Hot Pepper: Gwiat, you can believe what you want, I really found out the date, so you can believe next week


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