Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The (not so) secret plan to extend the US presence in Iraq

Renewed their rejec­tion and demon­stra­tion to extend the pres­ence of the US occu­pa­tion forces as this head­line describe it “exer­cise their anti-American mus­cles”, the Sadrists added one more “mus­cle” after the spir­i­tual leader of the Move­ment who lives in Iran Aya­tol­lah Al-Hai’ri release a one-liner new Fatwa says:
The exten­sion of the mis­sion of the infi­del occu­piers in Iraq, even for one sin­gle day after the men­tioned date is haram (reli­giously prohibited).
Maliki has already said that there are no plans to extend US pres­ence, it seems today he changed his mind which is already reported by Al-Hayat two days ago say­ing that Maliki will send a del­e­ga­tion to Iran on Tues­day (today) to per­suade Tehran to accept the pres­ence of part of the U.S. force (esti­mated 15,000) includ­ing 10,000 US troops on the Kuwaiti bor­der with Iraq.
Accord­ing to the newspaper:
Maliki has per­suaded the Amer­i­cans to accept an arrange­ment other than the announce­ment of the exten­sion of the pres­ence of its forces, which is to keep those forces to pro­tect the embassy, oil com­pa­nies and U.S. cit­i­zens in Iraq …
… Maliki planned to send a del­e­ga­tion to Tehran on Tues­day headed by the leader of the Dawa Party Sheikh Abdul Hamid Zuhairi try­ing to con­vince the Iran­ian side to accept the deal and to pres­sure Moq­tada Al-Sadr to accept the exten­sion of U.S. troops with­out lift­ing the freeze on Mahdi Army.
I guess sign­ing the extra­di­tion accord with Iran is part of the deal.
Maliki is encir­cled by the US forces, Al-Iraqiya sup­ported demon­stra­tions, and threats from his ally Muq­tada Al-Sadr (US Gen. Jef­frey Buchanan dis­missed the impor­tance of Sadr’s threat to stop the freez­ing of the Mahdi Army). but one thing the Prime Min­is­ter is sure of : extend­ing the pres­ence of the US occu­pa­tion troops has become a real­ity and out of Maliki’s control.
Infor­ma­tion avail­able through pri­vate sources says that the U.S. (Joe Biden) threat­ened to “reac­ti­vate” (the new lead­er­ship of the intel­li­gence ser­vice) file, an issue which shocked and hor­ri­fied Maliki because the Prime Min­is­ter believed that the Amer­i­cans totally for­got this sen­si­tive issue.
The posi­tion of Chief-spy Iraqi National Intel­li­gence Ser­vice (Mukhabarat) is still empty, all the state­ments released on organization’s web­site signed by an anony­mous (rumors says that Maliki’s son “Ahmad Al-Maliki is run­ning the office behind the scene).
After the res­ig­na­tion of Shah­wani as chief-spy of Iraqi Mukhabarat in 2009. Maliki’s can­di­date to lead the orga­ni­za­tion was Mohammed Mohsen Al-Zubaidi (unfa­mil­iar?) … He is the self-appointed first mayor of Bagh­dad after the occu­pa­tion and a CIA agent (self admit­ted of the Iraqi TV), assas­si­nated in Beirut in mys­te­ri­ous cir­cum­stances few days after his name as chief-spy leaked to the media.
All Iraqi politi­cians are aware that Iraq is the US Oper­a­tions Com­mand Cen­ter of (the Gulf and the Fer­tile Cres­cent), they will not the coun­try and ready to use other ways (such as enforc­ing the UN arti­cle VII), espe­cially with the cur­rent devel­op­ment in Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia.

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The (not so) secret plan to extend the US presence in Iraq

This article was written April 26th, 2011, with the mathematical number of 0 contributions.


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