Saturday, April 9, 2011

People’s Talk Radio Conf Call Recap 4/8/11

Dan & Tony:
Guy in New York says $5.27 from a guy in a Bank New York and has a Bank Document showing it that.  There were over 100 US people from the govt that will leaving today.  Dollar will drop oil will rise to an all time high. And Gold will soar.
wow, reference to military putting out misinformation campaign, (eye witness to it) so that the little guys would not buy anymore dinar.  They only want the big guys to have the Dinar.  Dan hopes that were happy that they are putting out the misinformation .  Dinar is going to revalue emphatically, and it is a personal responsibility use discernment with regard to all intel.
Wto did approve the rate of $6.19 for the CBI rate , Tony just got a text from someone that is there in Iraq .  RV could happen anytime , weekend, as soon  as RV could be verified they will do another Call.  Gold jumped up 16.40 cents gold is now at 1450.  Something is about to happen.
A caller works for a coin dealer gold and silver buyers are going nuts right now !  Something is still going on and happening right now.

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