Wednesday, April 6, 2011

PERSPECTIVES… Site Members Chime In…

Initial Site Member “Perspective” Post:
Thank you for trying to keep peoples heads straight in this long ordeal.
I just wanted to share some of my thoughts with you, maybe you have thought the same some where down this road.
I have been in this a relatively short period, about 8 months. But I did not get in to this investment with my last dollars, or in any way put up more than I could stand to lose. After reading posts, I can tell that many people have, and are hoping that this is going to be the end to all of the struggles that our economy has put many people in.
I am some what concerned for those that have, they have to listen to the big hype coming from certain posters..All of the… today, tonight, 12:00, 2:40. Blah blah!
Some day, someone will take this too much to heart, and again buy more than they can afford, leaving behind the things they need to take care of, based on someones egotistical need to post some RUMOR that will, or can never be accounted for.
So when someone has laid out more than than they should have based on some B.S. post and it does not happen, It could put one over the edge, Those posting this stuff need to realize that they may be putting people into a very bad spot, witch could result in dire consequences or actions of self harm if they bet the house on some rumor, and it falls through one more time.
Those that are irresponsible posters need to know that if someone does something drastic, or harms them selves because of something they posted, it is on their shoulders!
They really need to think beyond their own need to be important, think of those they may hurt!

Site Member Response to “Perspective” Post:
I feel as though I had to reply to this members posting,I have read your site since I joined this journey and have always taken notice of what you say in regard to only investing what you can afford and time after time I see people who are now saying they invested to a point that if they don’t get an RV soon they could be in trouble financially I see the “greed element”,or the”get rich quick”scenario but I say to these people you can get some of your money back if you sell some of your Dinars back to who you bought them from and only handle what you think will make your life comfortable in the post RV,or maybe 2 or 3 of you can pool your resources at one time for purchase of Dinar I don’t see anyone having a gun held to their head saying you must buy 500,000 or a 1,000,000 Dinar or more if you can’t afford it,be reasonable and only buy what you can afford don’t get wound up in the hype and use common sense when you do decide to invest.

Another Site Member Response to “Perspective” Post:
Having followed this site for some time and enjoying it for the most part, the latest post on perspective is flawed in my estimation. I completely understand the frustration that many are experiencing because I too, at least at one time, felt quite similar. Having said that, the poster of the “Perspective” thread assigned the blame unjustly.
Again, I understand the frustration with the ‘date and rate’ setters and prognosticators. But think for a moment about where the blame really should be assigned.
Should you, Dinar Daddy be blamed? No, you have done pretty much everything short of dismissing those posts and posters altogether. You have created a special section for them, and labled them with everything but a yellow skull and crossbones biohazard symbol. You have warned others time and again and explained ad nauseum as to why you place things in specific categories. You have even written posts that warn and caution against believing the speculative posts; that warn against putting all your eggs in one basket; that warn against investing more than you can afford. The blame does not lie with Dinar Daddy.
Should the posters of these very speculative ‘date and rate’ threads be blamed? Perhaps they share a small portion of the blame, if and only if their motives are impure. Of course, we have no way of knowing that as motives cannot be judged. Actions yes, motives, no. I have gotten to the point where I give these folks the benefit of the doubt. If I am wrong, at least I took the high road. Assuming their motives are pure, what are they doing so badly that they should be blamed? They are passing along the best information they have and for the most part trying to be positive. Is it responsible for them to do this? Perhaps that could be argued.
However, again, assuming pure motives, wouldn’t most want to pass along any good news they receive? I would. Further, I would love to have some sources that give me some kind of intel, dates, rates, etc…even if they were wrong. I think placing the blame with these posters is a little too convenient and perhaps even irresponsible. It could even be argued that to blame them is hypocritical. No, the writers of the “Rumors – Unconfirmed” and “Bold “RV” Claims – Caution” posts should not bear the brunt of the responsibility.
That only leaves one place for the blame. The blame lies within every person themselves. It especially lies within those who act foolishly before, during, or after this investment and whatever it may bring to fruition. If someone “does something drastic” or “harms themselves” because of something someone they, most likely, have never seen, never spoken to in person, and frankly have no clue what the person’s motives or resources are, why exactly is that the posters fault? How exactly are these guys or gals supposed to know who will or who won’t read their posts and intel?
I’m not defending what these posters have posted or done for that matter. I don’t know them. But to blame my reaction to their action is truly irresponsible on my part. It is becoming increasingly common to search diligently to seek out someone else to blame for a whole plethera of problems. But the fact is we are not responsible for everything that happens to us. Some things just happen, no rhyme, no reason (natural disasters, some diseases, death and problems of loved ones). Again, we are not responsible for everything that happens to us. (Some things that happen to us we are very much responsible for). We are however, responsible for the way we react to what happens to us.
Again, I do understand the frustration with this investment. I certainly wish I had the power to tell everybody involved in this how it should be done (assuming I knew). Fact is I don’t, nor do most other people in this world. But for crying out loud, please folks, (if this email is ever posted) please stop blaming the rumor posters for our, others, or anybody’s reactions to their posts. If you can’t control your spending on dinar, or anything else for that matter, do yourself a favor, DON’T READ THESE POSTS.
Stop trying to assign and displace blame, step up to the plate and realize your limitations. If you have trouble with drugs, its probably best to avoid areas where they are sold. If you cannot contain a passion for alcohol, best to stay out of the bar or pub. And if you struggle with buying dinar on an impulse or at the behest of someone you have no verifiable way of knowing whether they are genuine, legit, and reliable, then you need to stear clear of their posts.
Do not blame others for your poor reaction to someone else’s action. And if you are blaming these posters for what someone else chose to do, you are to be pitied. Me, you, or anybody else, will never be responsible for someone clear across the country or around the world acting foolishly. They made that choice, they pay the consequences. It is called personal responsibility. It is what mature responsible people expect and face every day.
Dinardaddy has done almost everything feasable to prevent overreaction. The posters most likely never asked you to read their posts. They don’t know if you are grounded enough to handle this. When you get right down to brass tacks, where the dirt road meets the pavement, all we can do is take responsibility for our own actions, and reactions. Don’t forget, you are not responsible for everything that happens to you, but you are responsible for how you react to everything.
As for the posts that some claim are responsible for the foolish actions, poor financial decisions, and moods of despair, just look at them simply as entertainment if you wish. Personally I enjoy them. They are the first things I look at. And, I wouldn’t be surprised if many others do as well. But don’t have a knee-jerk reaction. I like them. I hope one day they are true and I believe one day one of them will be. Are they usually wrong, yes. Can it get frustrating, yes. But for me, the journey is the thrill. The thought of waking up one day to realize things have changed dramatically is exciting.
Until that day, I’ll keep doing what I’ve been doing. If I will be responsible and excercise self-restraint and only invest what I can afford, I’ll be fine. If I never invest another dime, and these guys or gals continue to post wrong “dates and rates” nothing changes. It will be okay.
I am responsible for me and my actions and reactions, regardless of what anybody else says, write, does, or speculates!

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