Monday, April 4, 2011

Warka Email Response to Greenzone Warka Bank Being Shut Down

Dear Sir,
No need for the panic and definitely no loss of money which is total nonsense and out of the question.
With regards to the US Embassy there is a vetting process done every three years in which the US Embassy has chosen to open and handle the Embassy accounts directly with Citibank where Bank of Baghdad has won the vet for this period to setup a branch i.e. it is a competitive vet and bid done every three years where Warka Bank still handles the MRV US visa collection fee service for the US Embassy as well as handling the personal individual accounts of the Embassy staff and contractors as this is their personal choice and decision.
Warka still holds a branch within the Green Zone, Rasheed Hotel, Baghdad Airport and Iraqi Airways having the largest network within the Green Zone Area and the largest banking network in the country 130 branches as well as holding the largest capital and assets than any private bank in the country… we are at the final stages of partnering with a potential leading foreign bank further increasing our capital in which this venture will bring added value and great incentive to our bank, stock, clientelle and shareholders increasing share value.
For any further information related to your account and the fine services provided by our good bank please take a moment to visit our website news bulletin to view the latest notices and contact details of the related departments that will best handle your inquiries. We have several departments that will specifically handle each banking affair to your best interest by contacting them directly.
Best regards,
Mohammad K. Issa
Deputy Managing Director
Senior Executive
Warka Bank for Investment and Finance

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