Tuesday, April 19, 2011

American Contractor: CBI Plan to Re-denomination not Finalized 4/18/11

There has been some great news articles recently published in Baghdad. For those of you that rely on translators, I have one bit of advice for you, don’t put too much faith into the Arabic to English translators. Many of them create numerous errors and often lead to misinformation. I’ve seen this happen way too many times over the course of several years and have noticed it even more recently. My inbox has been bombarded with emails from readers whom have asked me to clarify or confirm something that has been translated only to discover that the information was completely false. In fact, many of the mistranslations of certain words have lead people to believe that a possible RV is around the corner. It appears that many of the mistranslations are in regards to certain news articles that the Central Bank of Iraq is about to change the currency and than an RV will occur shortly after. In my last emailed newsletter I stated that the re-denomination (if it does in fact occur) is not the RV that everyone is expecting. I have several of my own personal Arabic translators whom I trust and welcome any of my readers to email with their questions in regards to translations.Read More: LINK

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