Rebuttal to Ennorste by HopefulTxn
Rebuttal to Ennorste
Seems a post of mine made it to Ennorste and his rebuttal was posted on Dinar Daddy’s site. I have since send DD a rebuttal of my own, however I am not expecting it to be posted as it is still in disagreement with Ennorste’s statements of the reduction of 000 notes.
Below is the email that I sent to DD on this subject:
I noticed that Ennorste completely by-passed answering the question put towards
him. Ennorste’s statements claim that the CBI has been removing the 000 notes
from circulation over a period of time and adding them to the ‘electronic’ dinar.
However simply looking at the CBI financials, available at: , anyone can see that his claims
are not supported by their financial data – which is current to February 2011.
“Currency Outside Banks” and that which is located in the bank vaults IS NOT
‘electronic’ dinar. That 24+ trillion dinar figure is the physical currency that has been
issued by the CBI and is circulating in the hands of the Iraqi people and ourselves.
When added to the cash in bank vaults, this figure is what represents the 27+ trillion
dinar being referenced, which is a direct contradiction of his statements of a huge
reduction in physical currency by removal of 000 notes. This is also supported by the
LOI that was recently sent to the IMF on page 20, Table 5 (“currency issued”).
All that has been requested of Ennorste is something other than translated ‘arabish’
articles, which are constantly contradicted by other articles and subject to biased
interpretation, to substantiate what he keeps claiming as a fact. If it’s a fact, then
show the evidence of such – it’s a simple solution to end the debates of the figures.
IMO, he is simply trying to avoid answering the question by insinuating that a person
has to have a degree in economics to understand the figures in an Excel file. IMO, it
is a thinly veiled excuse for not answering the reason for the contradiction between his
statements and what anyone can see for themselves on the CBI website or in the LOI.
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