Thursday, January 13, 2011

Frank26 Post: KTF Missions 1/12/11

Good evening Family,
Records are made to be broken……….and you certainly broke them last night Family. There is no need to go into the numbers suffice it to say we reached many. I wish to offer my sincere apologies to those that got on the CC phone line an hour and a half before I came on. May I advise you to wait until we post the phone line so that what happened last night will not occur again. We went with a completely different access code and many of you found yourself on another forum’s CC last night while you waited for ours to start. Many of you told me that you were insulted by the vulgarity and manner of conversation while you waited. This was not our CC line but I sincerely apologize for those that found themselves in that environment. I am proud of what we presented last night on our CC and I ask all of you to compare it to any other CC from last night. I take great pride in my Team and the manner in which we prepare what we share with you. I also ………..mind my own business. Now allow me to share with you……….my own Team.
I am going to make this very short and to the point for two reasons. The most important is because I am invited to a birthday party for one of my grandchildren tonight. Hoorah!!! Secondly ………IMO if you listen to my CC from last night it is all the info you need to take us to this coming Sunday. While many forums are saying that we will soon be cashing out……….I believe we gave more info than just making such a claim. For now I am going to give you my conversation with DELTA to speed things up for me. Please enjoy.
DELTA I apologize for calling you but I need to get your report a little earlier than normal today.
Frankie Frankie…………how was it last night?
Very successful. Do you have anything more from the Doha bank today?
The lady or the man?
The lady.
She was still in denial today when I asked her why her bank had shown 2.82 and then changed to .35. Every Team member we sent to that number got the same routine. I asked her if all info comes directly from their headquarters and she acted confused and said that they do not know where the info comes from that is on their screens. She sounded stupid but I know she wasn’t she was being sincere. Every question we presented just painted her into another corner. Should we continue following this?
No. I have a theory. DELTA………the rate has to come from the US T………testing is occurring all over ME banks but……… at a time. Let us say that the Doha bank is next in line to make sure all banking operational systems are in cahoots with each other. BUT!!! ……….these banks are not aware of this. Let’s say that Doha bank was never notified that the rate would appear on their screens………especially when it first appeared in the still of the night. It would be a mystery not only to the bank employees but to the higher Escalon. If there is no knowledge then there is no way to answer a question from a customer…… there? DELTA……….I will bet you a golden dinar that “IF” no one had noticed what was going on with Doha bank……….THE RATE WOULD STILL BE ON THEIR SCREENS THIS MORNING. Your Team has been tracking this for 4 days……and no one noticed this……….ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! So when someone picked up on it yesterday and put an article out saying they were showing .35………some serious beans were spilled. I’m telling you DELTA the rate would still be on the screen if no one had caught on to the testing of ME banks that is occurring for some unknown reason. Well……….at least it appears that the reason is positive for our investment. These banks just don’t make these types of mistakes!!! These banks wish not to make any mistakes!!! That’s why the banking systems in the ME all seem to be working on a common target called …………the IQD.
Do you want us to stay with the Jordan bank?
No. IMO both Doha and Jordan are done. I want you now to look at the next banks that I will send to you separately. Use Channel 2.
Okey Dokey………Jordan still has it at 3.22 this morning.
Hmmm………..that’s two days already……….I think they will leave it that way for two more days……..but if they were smart THEY WOULD REMOVE IT TODAY! But for now go to the next banks and follow them closely. The moment you see any change in the IQD let me know. By the way have you noticed how they are traveling from East to West?
Oh yes!!! Frankie Frankie did you tell them about the big guy from KU………the Prime Minister that is coming to visit M?
I didn’t………AQ did. I wasn’t going to say anything. You know how we share things nowadays. Let them find it………then let us explain it. Until they find it………we study it.
Roger that Frankie Frankie. But this guy is a key factor especially since M will visit him at the end of this month.
Yes DELTA but look who’s coming first. Me and AQ did a skit on this last night. You should have heard it.
I will listen to it later today Frankie. Do you think the GCC is happy that ME banks are testing the IQD?
LOL………what do you think?
Before we leave the banks Frankie I forgot to tell you the Doha operator asked me where I was calling from again today. I find it interesting that they ask me this on every call. She even told me they do not deal in the IQD’s. That’s kind of a lie. So much cover up Frankie.
IMO ………different answers are given for different areas of the world because in all honesty………they have no answer to give.
Yes………we noticed that.
DELTA I need for you to pay attention to the latest system that has been installed with ME banks. Last week the latest one that was installed was the Swift Code system…….remember? Well it looks like today they put in the electronic clearing system. Another one bites the dust. Get Team to find out how many systems are they trying to put into ME banks before the RI. IMO……this clearing system may be the LAST one to implement.
Good idea Frankie……..I must say they are working very very hard and very very fast.
The banking reform system was to end on October or November of last year to satisfy the IMF before the RI. These “SYSTEMS” are being put in place because the IMF is trying to remove CHEATING in the banks of the ME. I think it’s an excellent idea and we have to give them time to do their work!!! Let this be our homework for this coming week. If they are done with the banking systems then the RI rate will kick in ……….with very little fanfare………SURPRISE !!! Tell me about Iraqi TV for today.
They are talking about KU PM coming to visit M. They are talking about a lot of dignitaries that are coming into the country apparently for a coronation. They are very excited that they have a KHARTEA……….a map to fix the monetary policy of the IQD. They say it is the 2011 budget. They are really excited that the financial advisory committee is working very closely with the CBI to fix their monetary policy and economy. They are telling the citizens that the whole structure of their national currency is going to change so they need the CBI’s help to do this. (Frankie I do not think the budget is a reason for the holdup because M has the budget!!!) IMO………they tried to explain the delay of announcing the GOI and reading the budget when they said that 17% of the budget goes to the Kurds. BUT ……….last week the Kurds were not pleased that their % was lower than that. TV said it was a small issue that has been corrected and amended in the budget.
Thank you DELTA and tell everyone I send my love and respects. I will leave you with this thought DELTA ………do you remember when A told Iraqis that if he was elected the first thing he would do would improve their monetary policy by increasing its value?
Sure do Frankie why?
Because it is the very same thing that M is trying to do.
What’s your point Frankie?
I can’t find anyone that doesn’t want the RI to happen.
LOL……..oh Frankie Frankie. Anything else Sir?
Yes keep an eye on Hillary and Biden……….tell me when they show up and let me know the moment you see a new rate for the IQD on the bank’s now assigned to you. As always thank you for everything Sir. By the way the Family really missed you last night but AQ knocked them dead. She took me to her Blue Couch.
You franchising them now?……….LOL!
Sure ………I’m tired of selling my dinars……..want to buy a Blue Couch? Speaking of my Blue Couch I have something to tell you that came in very early this morning through AQ’s businessmen who contacted the Jordan bank for us today. I must say I am curious if they removed the 3.22 or left it on their screens today. But when this gentleman called early this morning to the Jordan bank when the rate was still on……….the man said to the operator that he wanted to cash in his dinars at 3.22 but here is the part that should knock whatever clothes you are wearing right now off…….she said that they cannot buy or sell the IQD right now even though it is listed at 3.22 ……….UNTIL THE CBI GIVES THEM PERMISSION TO DO SO. DELTA…… you understand this means the rate has been given?
Wow……..according to this that you are telling me…….it must be.
I’m not done DELTA I have one more thing that will exfoliate you!!!
I cannot give this to you as a rumor dear friend …….I wish I could. This comes from xxxxxxx and you know very well we have no choice but to listen.
They called?
Yes and this is what I have to tell you. It is of my opinion that tomorrow for a LIMITED TIME OF 1 DAY THAT WILL USE 8 HOURS IN 4 LOCATIONS TO EXCHANGE THE IQD AT A HIGHER RATE THAN WHAT IT IS NOW. ONE IN KU……..ONE IN JORDAN……AND TWO IN SYRIA. God only knows the rate but logic has told us it is an RI. Please never forget that each ME country will cash out their citizens at whatever rate was established within that country. Not all will offer the CBI rate !!! I have homework for you but not for the rest of the Team.
I know what you are going to tell me Frankie. I will call all of my family in Syria and have them ready to walk into these banks tomorrow to inquire. This sounds very serious Frankie…….can you take care of KU and Jordan?
Yes. Now get on the horn and start setting people up. I will duct tape all my phones to my body…… me at any time of the day once you find out something.
Oh Frankie Frankie……… take care.
Aloha DELTA …….be safe.
Family I had a lot of articles to share with you but I am running behind schedule. AQ……..if you could help me please and post all the ones you sent me today I would appreciate it. As you can see Family my Team and I are busy and we ask for your prayers. What I have just shared tonight may be rather shocking but as I have told you before……….we follow things for a few days and then share it with you after studying it. I hope you do not mind that I was in the mood…… share. My Christian love and Aloha.

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