Monday, March 28, 2011

Frank26 Post: KTF Missions 3/27/11

I have stayed away for good reasons. I also told you that today and tomorrow would be loaded with info from the GOI. They are trying to pepper the day with one or two stupid articles from the GOI that counter the remaining ministers from M. As far as I’m concerned……..the GOI is intact just been hiding from us for many months because they would have to release the budget that we believe has the RI that would have to be honored with all the contracts that have been written. The mess that M made with the GOI has coward him from telling the world the GOI is alive and working. Now tomorrow …….we expect M to say he’s going to introduce these ministers this week. More bs. Let’s just say by Wednesday we will know much more. Hence the reason why our next CC has been waiting for next Wednesday. Until then…….Aloha and My Christian love.

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