Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mr. Ahmed net calls to deport the law of the Federal Service for quotas and criticized the delay in the law of the direct reduction of the salaries of the three presidencies and special grades

The representative of the Supreme Religious Authority and preacher of Friday in the holy city of Karbala Sayyed Ahmed net in the second sermon of the Friday prayers in the courtyard-Husseini al-Sharif on 19 Rabi Al-Thani 1432 AH corresponding to 3/25/2011 to a group of functions related to the House the text of the Constitution, and focused on two They replaced the witness:
First job: to legislate, and the second function: It is an oversight function on the performance of the executive branch.
On the issue of legislation to the face of his brothers, members of the House of Representatives, saying: The more delayed the legislation of any law whenever there are spaces remain either legal or constitutional, and consequently these spaces either to remain or to fill the jurisprudence of personal or outdated laws are supposed to be finished.
He continued that the function of parliament and an important function and the fate of the country and the administrators of the country and regulate matters other services directly linked to the House of Representatives .. But the question is directed to the House of Representatives, my Quicken Council legislation and laws after the accelerator is watching this law, which legitimized, Do you have any real tools to compel the executive branch apply what legitimized?!! Proceed when we do not find the law of works by its usefulness, then what?!!
And hit his eminence as an example by saying: In article 107 of the Constitution, which belong to the Federal service, it is assumed that consists of nine members who are president and vice-president and seven members are supposed to be formed, including the Civil Service Council, and if the Council of the service is not formed Why?!!
Because it is a mixture of party and party, so and so Allan and satisfy the personal and the exclusion of others, and because of this vicious circle, we note that an important law may malfunction and people are asking about the recruitment process .. Why not set up to Council now to serve, why not eliminate red tape and quotas abhorrent and political disputes that prevent approval?!!
However, if the Board’s approval Bashaklth that the appointments will come through the medium and large employers paunches Allowastat!! This appointed his brother and appointed his cousin, this and this sets which his party and so on, and keep these poor people waiting for the role he did not know this role will come when?!
He urged the Eminence Council of Representatives and the executive bodies to accelerate the formation of the Federal service frameworks professional legal and end the controversy that lasted for more than two years of legislation, and thus get rid of all the embarrassments and say there is a board is responsible for appointments and the richest of this Council to arrange the issue of appointments, after the legislation to the Council to follow up where legislation went and why the government rise above the establishment of this Council?!!
He called the brothers in the House of Representatives to respond to the pressing demands in the legislation of the law in practice and establishes the service now has a valid and effective ways so get rid of this crisis, which affected more than necessary, without persuasive justification.
In another context, “said Ayatollah Khamenei on the eve of the summer we need to exceptional work to improve the electricity situation in the country, and demanded the ministries concerned to do their utmost in this regard in particular may ways we have heard that the Ministry of Electricity then a contingency plan and plan of medium-and long-term plan and this is very good ..
When the citizens to know the work of the ministry assured stages which will be completed, in order to restore confidence between the citizen and the administrator, but there should be a clear declaration of fact away from the appointments that do not have the applications of Foreign Affairs.
And praised the Sayyed brothers net that there are sincere and serious work in all state institutions, this does not mean it when we talk about some of the violations so that everyone, absolutely not!!
But you must, especially in the service ministries to issue a set of regulations and the data indicate and explain the mechanism of action and achievements in front of people, and appealed to the brothers in the Ministry of Electricity to be the level of responsibility and shoot dates are subject to the implementation and not the dates of the door of anesthesia!
In conclusion, His Eminence We are optimistic the issue of low salaries of the three presidencies and special grades and ministers, but after that that delay adoption and implementation of this law is not true, he said, that when a person really wants to set the try as much as possible to end this issue one way or another, and asked the brothers to complete this law and the cuts are already in place.

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